Buying a property in France
without an estate agent, it’s possible!

You want to buy a property in France, a house, a villa, or even a castle. But with agency fees of between 5 and 10% (hidden in the sale price) unnecessarily eating into your budget, your choices are more limited. Likewise, when selling a property these elevated agency fees can cripple your chances of a quick sale. However dealing directly with the owner or buyer is becoming easier. With independent experts guiding you through your search, negotiation and purchase it is a safe and economical option, as shown here in our example calculations. Even paying specialists to advise you through every stage of the transaction costs less than the average estate agent’s commission.

Buy property from the owner in France” wants to portray a complete picture of all possible options.

We present a platform for consultants, experts and service providers in the French property market. We particularly want our site to be honest and open. Therefore, all articles are signed by the author, so you know the source of the information. Naturally - as a form of thanks for providing the info - there is a link to the specialists web site. The editors of “Buy property from the owner in France” will however do their best to ensure that the posted articles are of an informative nature and will avoid purely commercial messsages.

Feel free to post your questions!

Do you have a question for the editors of this site? We promise fast and free answers. If none of our specialists can answer your question we will tell you honestly. In most cases we can help you anyway, by putting you in contact with some one who does know the answer.

Questions and answers so far :

001: How do I find a constructable plot in the Dordogne?
002: Are there also estate agents for the buyer?
003: Why doesn’t the Dutch broker system work in France?
004: Starting a B & B and financing with a loan?
005: Who inherits the house upon death?
006: Buying to renovate in France
007: Buying a bungalow 2% cost?
008: How can I get building insurance and open a bank account?
009: What can I do about unexpected rights of way


Who is behind all this ?

This site is an initiative of SARL Krek. Copy & Concept. The information provided here is definitely not completely objective. For instance, it does not necessarily relect the views of the officiel estate agents. They have their own channels of communication.

Author: Gregor Hakkenberg

WANTED: Experiences with estate agents

Lured to a region only to discover that the house was already sold? A campsite that - despite promises to the contrary - is flooded when the river rises? Signed a contract whereby you have to pay the agency commission even if the sale falls through? Misinformed about the technical services or plans of the commune? Or are you totally satisfied with the service of your estate agent? Before during and after the sale? We look forward to hearing about your experiences. Click here for other peoples stories!


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